Our 90-Day Online Support Plan offers peace of mind for any software related issues, as our team of experts can connect remotely to your computer and diagnose and fix the problem without the need for you to bring your computer into our store. We understand the frustration of dealing with software issues, which is why our remote service allows us to efficiently and effectively resolve the problem while you watch the process unfold. With our extensive knowledge and expertise, we can ensure that your computer is back up and running smoothly in no time. Whether it's a virus, slow performance, or other software-related issue, our 90-Day Online Support Plan has you covered. Say goodbye to the hassle of bringing your computer in for repair and let us take care of it for you from the comfort of your own home.
Mann Help Me! 90-Day Remote Support Plan
- Basic Virus Removal
- Slow PC - Software Install
- Printer Support
- Email Support
- Browser Hijack
- Data Backup
- Internet Security
- And More!