Do you have precious memories recorded on a cassette tape and would like them preserved forever in a digital format? Then you have come to the right place! Our Audio Cassette Tape To Digital Transfer service will convert your old cassette tapes into a high-quality digital format, allowing you to easily access and listen to your cherished memories on any device. Our experienced technicians will carefully transfer your audio recordings to digital files, ensuring that the sound quality is preserved and that your memories will never be forgotten. Don't let your valuable recordings deteriorate or become obsolete - let us help you bring them into the digital age. Contact us today to learn more about our Audio Cassette Tape To Digital Transfer service.
Audio Cassette Tape To Digital Transfer Service
Our process is simple! Just follow these steps:
1. Choose the options above and purchase our media transfer service online.
2. Mail in or drop off your media to be converted at our store. Select which option at checkout.*
3. After transferring your memories to digital format, we will provide your digital media by mail or in-store pickup.
Mann Technologies
Mann Media Department
21051 W. Toledo Street
Williston, OH 43468
Please include a copy of your invoice and return mailing address along with your tape
**Additional shipping charges may apply if you request your original tape returned.
If you have a large volume of media you'd like converted to digital format, don't hesitate to contact us at 419.972.4167 or email us at for pricing.